Most compilers recognized the file type by looking at the file extension.
You might also be able to force the compiler to ignore the file type by supplying compiler switch. In MS VC++ 6, for example, the MSCRT defines a macro, __cplusplus. If you undefine that macro, then the compiler will treat your code as C code. You don't define the __cplusplus macro. It is defined by the compiler when compiling a C++ source. In MSVC6 there's a switch for the compiler, /Tc, that forces a C compilation instead of C++.
You might also be able to force the compiler to ignore the file type by supplying compiler switch. In MS VC++ 6, for example, the MSCRT defines a macro, __cplusplus. If you undefine that macro, then the compiler will treat your code as C code. You don't define the __cplusplus macro. It is defined by the compiler when compiling a C++ source. In MSVC6 there's a switch for the compiler, /Tc, that forces a C compilation instead of C++.
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