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    Saturday, February 27, 2010

    Before looking at the answer, try writing a simple C program (with a for loop) to do this. Quite a few people get this wrong.

    This is the wrong way to do it

    struct list *listptr, *nextptr;
    for(listptr = head; listptr != NULL; listptr = listptr->next)

    If you are thinking why the above piece of code is wrong, note that once you free the listptr node, you cannot do something like listptr = listptr->next!. Since listptr is already freed, using it to get listptr->next is illegal and can cause unpredictable results!

    This is the right way to do it

    struct list *listptr, *nextptr;
    for(listptr = head; listptr != NULL; listptr = nextptr)
    nextptr = listptr->next;
    head = NULL;

    After doing this, make sure you also set the head pointer to NULL!


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